World Architecture day celebrated in MRSPTU Bathinda


World Architecture day celebrated in MRSPTU Bathinda

Jasbir Kapoor/ Bathinda

Giani Zail Singh School of Architecture & Planning, MRSPTU, Bathinda celebrated World Architecture Day. The day set up by the Union International des Architects (UIA) back in 2005 to “remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat”. The UIA has chosen the theme for 2019 as “Architecture- housing for all”. It will focus on how architects can contribute to the realisation of affordable housing for all; the implementation of the New Urban Agenda; and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically “to make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable”.

To mark this occasion, a Rangoli was prepared by the students depicting a skyline of built environment by incorporating important Architectural iconic buildings of the world. The Rangoli was prepared by students of 9th Semester B.Arch. Ananya Ghai, Manisha and 3rd semester student, Simerpreet Kaur. On the occasion, the students were reminded of the great Architects who have made significant contributions in the field of Architecture.

World Architecture day celebrated in MRSPTU Bathinda

Prof. Ripu Daman Singh, Head of the department, faculty members, Dr. Jatinder Kaur, Dr. Bhupinder Pal Singh Dhot, Ar. Prof. Ranjeet Kaur, Ar. Mitakshi Sharma, Ar. Gurmeet Kaur, Ar. Vidh Chauhan, Ar. Janmeet Kaur, Ar. Kritika and the students of all semesters were present on the occasion.

Vice-chancellor Dr Mohan Paul Singh Ishar congratulated the faculty and students of the department who have contributed significantly in making the department one of the most sought-after schools of architecture in Punjab. Dr. Ashish Baldi, Registrar of the university and Dr. Savina Bansal, Dean Academics, MRSPTU & Campus Director, GZSCCET, MRSPTU, Bathinda congratulated the Department of the occasion of World Architecture Day.