Lt. Gen. PM Bali talks on China: an overview in IIT Ropar


Lt. Gen. PM Bali talks on China: an overview in IIT Ropar

KI Singh/ Ropar

Lt. Gen. P.M.Bali, PVSM (Param Vishist Seva Medal), VSM (Vishist Seva Medal) Chief of Staff of Army’s Western Command as a distinguished officer of the Indian Army delivered the first lecture on “China: An Overview, that brought out a broad understanding of China, its psyche & philosophy, strategic interests, dynamics of relations with India, possible triggers of future conflict & their manifestation and implications for India”   at IIT Ropar today.

Lt. Gen. PM Bali talks on China: an overview in IIT Ropar

Lt. Gen. Bali during his lecture addressed the students and faculty and talked about India, as India is on its way to become a superpower. By 2030, it is envisaged to become the third largest economy in the world. It is home to one-sixth of the world’s population. But there are multiple security challenges that India faces both in the military and non-military dimensions. For its people to prosper and the country to grow to its rightful place, India must be strong and secure.

Explaining the contours of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, he marveled on its scale and sophistication, while underscoring the technological, economic and strategic implications.  Divulging more he added, “We can foresee with confidence that with the way we are going ahead by associating with institutes such as IIT Ropar, Indian Army will win wars with Indian solutions.”

Highlighting the detrimental effect of India’s dependence on import for military capability, he said, “Military superiority is not determined by numbers alone, armed forces need better technology.” Scientists and engineers have a major role to play not only in indigenizing military capability but developing the strategic influence of the country.

IIT Ropar after his lecture proudly offered the Position of Professor of Practice to Lt. Gen. Bali which he delightfully accepted. An MoU was also signed on this occasion between IIT Ropar and Indian Army for collaboration in academics and research.  

Lt. Gen. PM Bali talks on China: an overview in IIT Ropar

Speaking on this occasion, Professor S. K Das, Director, IIT Ropar said, “This is just a beginning of academia-army relationship. IIT Ropar is ready to give technological solutions to the issues faced by the Indian Army that needs to be addressed.

IIT Ropar will also explore the possibilities of conducting short-term courses and lectures at the institute by Indian Army. Dr. S.S.Padhee, HoD, Corporate Relations, thanked the speaker and the army officials for sparing their time and giving lecture at IIT Ropar.