Nissan’s customer friendly Intelligence Makes the Difference campaign launched


Nissan’s customer friendly Intelligence Makes the Difference campaign launched

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

Nissan launched an ‘Intelligence Makes the Difference’ an innovative 360-degree campaign wherein the Nissan KICKS takes the competition head on and proves its mettle on Indian road conditions. Anchored by celebrity chef and automobile enthusiast Aditya Bals aid “Nissan’s customer friendly Intelligence Makes the Difference campaign launched provides a fresh spin on a consumer car review. Nissan in collaboration with its agency partner Nissan United India has specially curated these reviews and content across print, TV, digital and social channels.

Reviewed by consumers in real-time, the series of films show the anchor and consumer driving through different cities tackling the city’s real time driving conditions such as traffic, potholes, narrow lanes etc. to name a few.

Nissan’s customer friendly Intelligence Makes the Difference campaign launched

Speaking about the campaign, Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director – Nissan India said, “Todays customers are seeking mobility solutions to real-life challenges in real-time. The ‘Intelligence Makes the Difference’ campaign showcases the versatility of the Nissan KICKS and its capabilities to meet challenging driving conditions faced by the customers reiterating its great value proposition, best in class quality assurance delivering on the promise of Nissan KICKS – The Most Intelligent SUV.

The Nissan KICKS Intelligence Makes the Difference also witnessed popular TV Show Host Rannvijay and Social Media Influencer Pothole Raja coming on board and showcasing the versatility of the KICKS on Indian roads. The KICKS with its best in class ground clearance makes maneuvering around potholes, narrow by lanes a hassle-free experience. Along with the Nissan Intelligent Mobility features like AVM, NissanConnect, the KICKS comes through as a strong winner owing to its small turning radius, high ground clearance and overall bold looks.