State level talent hunt prize distribution for children with special needs held


State level talent hunt prize distribution for children with special needs held

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

In an attempt to honour the intellect and persistence of city’s Children with Special Needs, a State-Level Talent Hunt Prize Distribution Ceremony was held at Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 10 (GMSSS-10) Chandigarh on Wednesday. The ceremony was organised by Samagra Shiksha, Education Department, Chandigarh to solidify the hunch of positive individualism among children with special needs (CWSN).

The event was dedicated to  a girl child with Special Needs Prerna from GMSSS- Dhanas, the brand ambassador of Education Department, Chandigarh and CCPCR, the tribute was paid posthumously to Prerna by Rubinderjit Singh Brar, Director School Education and Sr. Officers of Education Department. A documentary showing Prerna’s memorable journey and achievements was presented. Karuna, a young girl of Class 5 spoke a few words in loving memory of Prerna who stood as the epitome of perseverance and determination. Honouring the dedicated mentor who guided Prerna through her life,  Neelam was acknowledged for her unparallel contribution by each one present.

State level talent hunt prize distribution for children with special needs held-photo courtesy-internet

After an interactive and motivational session with the students, 82 special scholars were rewarded based on different criteria viz. academics, social inclusion, sports, attendance, discipline, etc.  The children efficiently produced different materials like t-shirt, painting, paper bags, basket etc during skill training workshop, which were shown through a beautiful exhibition.

90 Children with Special Needs were provided supportive aids and appliances such as hearing aids, wheel chairs, tricycles, AFOs, Smart Phones, etc free of cost in collaboration with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO)under ADIP scheme.

The event concluded on a vote of thanks by Mission Co-ordinator Dr. Manjit Kaur followed by National Anthem.