DC Mohali ordered landlord to not to evict tenants/ students


DC Mohali ordered landlord to not to evict tenants/ students

Kanwar Inder Singh / royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

Deputy Commissioner Mohali has issued a notice to all the landlord/ PG / house owners to not to evict the tenants, students which are from out of the district and with no-where-to-go till the end of curfew / lock down.

He further directed all the landlord/ PG / house owners that livelihoods may have been impacted and even the banks are closed for public dealing in the State.In view of this, it is appealed that the students/ paying-guests and other tenants may not be compelled to immediately pay rent due and nonpayment of rent should not be used as a ground for eviction.

DC Mohali ordered landlord to not to evict tenants/ students


March, 27, 2020