Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers


Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers

Gurpreet kaur/ Amritsar

The Inquiry aims to shape debate, inform policy and influence practice by investigating the contribution of research  and examining the potential benefits of research-based skills and knowledge for improving quality of education and student outcomes, what professor Jaspal singh Sandhu, Vice Chancellor said during his inaugural speach to approximately 500 teachers/heads/ scholars from around 20 states of india in a online workshop   on Planning and Organising Research using Scopus and Mendeley, organised by School of Education (SOE), GNDU, Amritsar, under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Nation Mission on Teacher and Training (PMMMNMTT), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

He opined that in the wake of lockdown, the world is being forced to adapt and find  ways to manage a completely remote workforce. Updating the teachers and research scholars in 21 century skills from a distance via technology  is the best way to boost their productivity and make judicious use of   this time.

Prof Amit Kauts, Project Coordinator, School of Education , brought forth that High quality teaching is now widely acknowledged to be the most important  factor influencing student achievement and success. Therefore sustained emphasis on creating ‘research-rich’  schools and classrooms becomes imperative.  Teachers need to be equipped to interrogate data and evidence from different sources, rather than just describing the data or trends in attainment.

Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers

 Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchersCovid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers


The priority for all stakeholders including Government, national agencies, schools, universities and teachers’ organisations  should be to work together to create a national strategy for education and professional learning that reflects the principles of ‘research-informed clinical practice’.

The workshop is conducted via  ZOOM as online media and aimed to create an intensive educational experience in a difficult time of lockdown. Participatory university faculty and scholars will be  equipped to engage with and be discerning consumers of research.They shall be empowered to conduct their own research, individually and collectively, to investigate the impact of particular interventions. The workshop very vividly made the 500 participants know and practice to use mendeley for referencing, reviewing literature, getting funding sources, collaboations for their researches etc. The whole exercise have made the faculty and researchers competent to improve NIRF ranking of their institutions.

Covid 19 effect-GNDU organised ONLINE workshop for administrators, teachers and researchers. Dr. Deepa Sikand Kauts, Head, Department of Education, reiterated that from an individual point of view, the advantages of research extend beyond professional development. Through detailed research, the researchers  develop critical thinking expertise, as well as effective analytical, research, and communication skills that are globally sought-after and incredibly beneficial.
