Six-day international online workshop concludes at Central University of Punjab


Six-day international online workshop concludes at Central University of Punjab

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) successfully organized six-day Online International Workshop “Tangled Bank” from 31st May to 5th June 2020. The Programme was jointly conducted by the Department of Botany, CUPB, and Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS). The title of this Workshop is connected to the theme of World Environment Day 2020, i.e. “Celebrate Biodiversity”. CUPB honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. R.K. Kohli presided over both the inaugural and valedictory session of this Workshop. Dr. Anindita Bhadra from IISER Kolkata who is also the Founding Chairperson of INYAS, joined the concluding session as the special guest. This Online Lecture Series included 15 interactive sessions by renowned scientists/academicians on all domains of Biodiversity. This Workshop was attended by 1425 participants from different parts of our country. In addition to this, 48 international participants registered in this Workshop and marked their presence from Germany, Canada, US, UK, Spain, Portugal, UAE, Uruguay, Chile, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand.

During the concluding session of this Workshop, Vice-Chancellor Prof. R. K. Kohli delivered a detailed talk on “Biodiversity”. In his address, he stressed on the importance of preserving Biodiversity and fighting invasive alien species. He congratulated Prof. Paramjit Singh and members of the organizing team for conceptualizing this programme and its successful completion.

Six-day international online workshop concludes at Central University of Punjab

Dr. Anindita Bhadra, briefed about the working process of premier science academy like INYAS, and Global Young Academy (GYA). She said INYAS aims to promote enthusiasm for science among young students through training programmes and to help young scientists by providing a network for research-based activities & knowledge sharing. She added that we will continue our efforts to foster scientific temperament and to uphold article 51 (A) of the Indian Constitution.

Prof. Paramjit Singh, Head, Department of Botany, and Co-Convener of this Workshop expressed his sincere gratitude towards Vice-Chancellor for patronage in this event. He added that the program featured well-known taxonomists from India and abroad who delivered lectures on various organisms, including bacterial diversity, mangroves, Indian songbirds, damselflies, frogs, snakes, dogs, rhododendrons, diatoms, mollusks, fishes, animal diversity etc. He asserted that this Online Lecture Series has achieved its purpose of strengthening the scientific temperament of participants in the field of Biodiversity, as it offered them comprehensive information on different Biodiversity spheres and related topics like Biodiversity Laws, Citizen Science, and Biodiversity-Documenting Apps etc. He thanked Dr. Felix Bast, Programm Co-ordinator, Dr. Vinay Kumar and other members of the organizing team, for the successful execution of this Programme.

The interesting feature of this program is that the video collection of all the lectures held during this Workshop are accessible to everyone. Therefore, those who want to watch any Lecture from the 15 Sessions held during this Programme, can view it again by visiting the program website:
