‘Commerve 23 ‘concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City


‘Commerve 23 ‘concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City

Bureau/ March 11,2023

The seven day Career Week under Commerce Fest ‘Commerve 23 ‘concluded at Govt Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala on March 10,2023 under the guidance of College Principal Prof ( Dr) Kusum Lata.

The Fest was organised by the Career Guidance ,Placement and Training cell with the Vision of Involving and Evolving the students. The Fest consisted of various sessions, presentations and competitions for the students of M.Com 2 and B.Com 3. The first day started with ‘Public Speaking and Corporate Presentation’ conducted by Mr Ishwar Sandhu ,an Academician with comprehensive knowledge of International Curriculum.Various activities and competitions were held relating to’Vedic Maths and Atitude Test. Easy methods of multiplication ,division and squaring etc were taught by Er .Gurjinder Singh ,a graduate from IIT Ropar.

Day 3 was devoted to ‘Corporate Quiz and Brain Buster challenges’ for generating and shaping the ideas by Sh.Simranjit Singh, General Manager, Sanjhi Sikhya ,Patiala. The topic for the 4th day of the workshop was ‘How to build a Resume and get Internships. The Resource Person for this activity was Radhika Ahuja, a student of MBA from Kingston University, London working as a Business Development Manager at Hitbullseye Institute, Patiala.

'Commerve 23 'concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City 'Commerve 23 'concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City

'Commerve 23 'concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City 'Commerve 23 'concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City 'Commerve 23 'concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City

The students were given valuable information about the difference between CV and Resume, importance of internships in real world. The event on the 5th day of the Commerce Fest was to teach about online platform ‘Akhar 21’ to learn Punjabi using Communicative Language Teaching Methodology. The eminent resource persons Dr Ankur Rana and Dr Tajinder Saini from Punjabi University Patiala very effectively explained about this platform.

‘Commerve 23 ‘concluded on positive notes at Govt Bikram College; student also visited Pushpa Gujral Science City. The Valedictory Session was scheduled on the 6th day. Dr Ritu Lehal ,Director Women Studies Cell, Punjabi University Patiala gave away the certificates to the student winners in different competitions and to the organisers who made this Mega Event a great success.

A trip to Pushpa Gujral Science City ,Kapurthala was planned on the last day of the Commerce Fest .The students enjoyed the seven day Career Week under the Commerce Fest ‘Commverve’ and hence the event proved to be of great learning and awareness experience of the staff and the students about 200 students were benefitted from this event. The College Principal appreciated the members of College Career Guidance, Placement and Training Cell for their laborious efforts and a special token of gratitude was presented to Er .Gurjinder Singh and Radhika Ahuja for devoting and sharing the valuable information with the students throughout the seven day event.

(royalpatiala.in News)