Non-Teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges to stage a dharna at the residence of Punjab’s higher education minister


Non-Teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges to stage a dharna at the residence of Punjab’s higher education minister

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ May 29,2023

On the call of Private College Non-Teaching Employees Union, Punjab (Aided & Unaided) the local Modi College Non-Teaching Staff Unit staged a protest against Punjab Government by wearing black badges for non-implementation of 6th Pay commission and other pending demands. Agitated employees raised slogans against the partial behaviour of Punjab Government towards the Non-Teaching Employees of Private Aided Colleges.

Ajay Kumar Gupta, Press Secretary, Punjab said it’s a shame for Punjab Govt. that Non-Teaching employees are observing strikes and holding dharnas from last about 5 years, but Govt. is taking no action for the implementation of genuine demands of Non-Teaching employees working in Private Aided colleges are pending since long. The delegation of the Non-Teaching Union met many times with Finance Minister, Education Minister, Member Parliament, and more than 20 MLAs of the government during the last one year. But, we got no response from the Government so far. He said Punjab Government implemented seventh pay commission for the teachers working in the colleges, which is a good gesture. But, on the other hand, it is very shameful on the part of government that sixth pay commission and genuine demands of poor cadre of Non-Teaching employees working in Private Aided colleges is not accepted by the Punjab Government, which is a clear step-motherly treatment shown by the Punjab Government towards the said cadre. He warned that on 9th and 10th June, 2023 a dharna will be organized at the residence of Higher Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains at Anandpur Sahib.

Non-Teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges to stage a dharna at the residence of Punjab’s higher education minister

Vinod Sharma, Secretary of the Union informed that if the genuine demands of Non-Teaching staff are not met then these dharnas and strikes will continue against Punjab Government in coming days also. He said non-teaching staff of private govt-aided colleges of Punjab hold demonstration all over Punjab and condemned the negative attitude of Punjab Government. He added that if the academic atmosphere of colleges in Punjab is disturbed due to ongoing agitation of Non-Teaching employees then the entire responsibility lies with the Punjab Government.

The major demands of the Non-Teaching Staff are:

  1. To issue notification to implement 6thPay Commission at par with Punjab Government Employees.
  2. Pb. Govt. should issue the notification of revised grade-pay from 1.12.2011.
  3. To implement House Rent at revised rate from 1.8.2009.
  4. To issue the notification of revised Medical Allowance from Rs. 350/- to 500/- per month w.e.f. 01.08.2009.
  5. To lift ban for recruitment of Non-Teaching employees in Private Aided colleges of Punjab.

Non-Teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges to stage a dharna at the residence of Punjab’s higher education minister. On this occasion Ajay Kumar Gupta, Vinod Sharma, Ajit Singh, Puran Bahadur, Deep Chand, Vinod Kumar, Sukhdev Ram, Ram Achal, Rajesh Kumar, Narinder Joshi and all the non-teaching employees of the college were present.