Cycle rally organized by Govt Bikram College under ‘Swachhata Abhiyan-Swacchata hi Sewa’


Cycle rally organized by Govt Bikram College under ‘Swachhata Abhiyan-Swacchata hi Sewa’

Bureau / News/ September 16,2023

Today, the NSS Dept. of Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala organized a program following the directions issued by the office Director of Higher Education, Punjab, under the guidance of college Principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata.

The Program was organized under the theme ‘Swachhata Abhiyan-Swacchata hi Sewa. A Cycle Rally was held from the college by the NSS Volunteers. The Rally started from the Campus and moved in the areas around the college to create awareness among people about the cleanliness and the cleanliness mission of the Govt.

The Staff and the students of the college registered themselves on the online Portal Bharat Swachhata league 2.0.

Cycle rally organized by Govt Bikram College under 'Swachhata Abhiyan-Swacchata hi Sewa’

About 94 NSS Volunteers participated in the program.  The others present were Prof.Satinder Kaur, Dr. Harsimran Kaur( NSS Programe officers), Dr. Amrinder Kaur and Prof.Jasmine Kaur.