Punjabi university appoints OSD Examination for the first time; orders creates ruckus

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Punjabi university appoints OSD Examination for the first time; orders creates ruckus

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ September 9,2024

Today, Punjabi university authorities have given additional charges to four different faculty members. The most astonishing order is the appointment of OSD Examination, which has created confusion in the minds of university staff members.

As per the orders issued by the Registrar, Punjabi University, Dr Amandeep Verma, associate professor, Punjabi University, Centre for Emerging and Innovative Technology, Mohali has been appointed as OSD Examinations.

In addition to this three other faculty members are also adjusted and given additional charge along with their present post.

“This might be first time in the history of Punjabi University that anyone is appointed OSD Examination in the university” said a senior faculty member on the condition of anonymity. He further added that “ the order has created confusion as to whom the OSD will report-to controller of examination (CoE) or to the vice chancellor. If he is going to supersede the CoE than it may send a wrong signal as the newly appointed OSD is as associate professor and the CoE is a professor and senior to him”

“The examination branch of the university is passing through rough phase. Recently the official result website of Punjabi University remained out of order for many days, hampering the admission process. The students are suffering as the results are delayed, not declared on time.  To streamline the working of Punjabi University examination branch, the university authorities might have appointed officer on special duty (OSD) examinations” said another senior faculty member of the university.

In July first week, Punjabi University authorities had appointed its senior faculty members on key posts. Dr Manjit Singh was appointed controller of examination after Dr Vishal Goyal had tendered his resignation and accepted by the officiating vice chancellor KK Yadav, IAS, but he declined to join the post as he wants to pursue his academic pursuit.

The seat remained vacant till Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Dean of Faculty of Computing Sciences in Punjabi University joined this hot seat of Controller of Examination on August 1,2024. He replaces Dr. Vishal Goyal of Computer Science department of the university. Dr Goyal had resigned from the post on July 5,2024 and since then the post of CoE remained without regular head.

Punjabi university appoints OSD Examination for the first time; orders creates ruckus in the minds of staff . Dr Harjinder Singh of electronics and communication engineering is already working as deputy controller of examination.

Punjabi university appoints OSD Examination for the first time; orders creates ruckus in the minds of staff