AIIMS Bathinda release telephone numbers for Teleconsultation services


AIIMS Bathinda release telephone numbers for Teleconsultation services

Kanwar Inder Singh/

“As we are aware that there is a sudden surge in the COVID cases in Bathinda and around, decision has been taken to curtail the number of patients visiting AIIMS Bathinda for availing OPD services” said Prof. Satish Gupta ,Dean and official Spokesperson ,AIIMS Bathinda 

He further added that “the OPDs will remain functional only for the unavoidable and needy patients.The patients having chronic ailment and minor symptoms are requested to take the services of Tele Medicine as done previously and avoid unnecessary visit to the Hospital.”

AIIMS Bathinda release telephone numbers for Teleconsultation services-Photo courtesy-Internet
Tele Medicine

The contact numbers for Teleconsultation services are as under:





“All are requested to get the maximum benefit of these services sitting at home” Dr Gupta

January 8,2022