AIPEF demands an independent enquiry into the coal crisis and import of coal


AIPEF demands an independent enquiry into the coal crisis and import of coal

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ November 24,2023

The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has demanded an independent enquiry into the import of coal and whether the coal crisis was deliberately created to justify the import and who are the main beneficiaries of coal imports.

Shailendra  Dubey, Chairman AIPEF has written a letter to R K Singh ,Power Minister on Friday regarding issues related to import of coal for thermal power stations.

AIPEF in its letter has demanded an independent enquiry headed by a retired Judge of the Supreme Court to investigate the irregularities in import of coal, particularly by the Adani Group,  Immediate prosecution and conviction in cases of irregularities where investigation are enough to imitate criminal cases. The letter further mentions that ban on firing imported coal without scientific blending of imported and Indian coals, so as not to damage the boiler .The centre must compensate state governments on account of directions making import of coal, at astronomical prices mandatory.

Padamjit Singh Chief Patron AIPEF said that the responsibility of the present coal crisis is entirely with the Government of India. The management of Coal India is vested with the Government of India. The Government of India owns and operates the Indian Railways and also  regulates the ports. Since all the instruments of policy are vested with the Government of India it has the sole responsibility of importing coal.

V K Gupta spokesperson AIPEF said that the coal import was imposed on the consumer even before any coal shortage The Government of India arbitrarily issued a diktat to all the state  power utilities that mandatorily  imported coal should be blended and fired into the boilers. The Government  of India invoked its extraordinary powers under the Electricity Act and imposed mandatory purchase and use of imported coal This was done in total violation of the Constitutional provision of Power being in the concurrent subject. There was no provision for compensating either the state governments or the state power utilities.

AIPEF demands an independent enquiry into the coal crisis and import of coal
VK Gupta

AIPEF demands an independent enquiry into the coal crisis and import of coal.The Government of India has deprived Coal India of its cash reserves and has systematically interfered in various administrative aspects including non-appointment of the Chairman and Managing Director of coal India. Thereby the Government of India has ensured India under performance of Coal India. The Government of India has  failed in its responsibility of supervision of private mines to ensure that they fulfil their obligations.