Akal Takht Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC


Akal Takht Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ January 30,2023

On March 16, 1998 the highest and most respected seat of authority of Sikhism Sri Akal Takhat had issued a Hukamnana banning the taking of saroops of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to hotels, clubhouses, marriage palaces, resorts to perform Sikh marriages or Anand Karaj. The Akal Takhat Sahib also forbid the Sikh Anand-Karajs to be held at hotels, marriage palaces, and at any other venues where proper respect of Guru Granth Sahib could not be kept.

But, with the passage of time and might be due to lackadaisical behaviour of the shiromani gurudwara management committee (SGPC) and its Dharam Parchar wing the marriage palaces, resorts, hotels start flouting the Hukumnama, openly.

Akal Takhat Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC Akal Takhat Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC

Now a day’s many marriage palaces, resorts have come up on the outskirts of every city, town. Many rest houses, individual homes are also come up near these marriage palaces, resorts. Now, the person who spends lacs on these marriage palaces also take up that rented rest houses, kothis, houses for Anand karaj and decorate, perform the rituals etc as per their will. For marriage ceremonies the granthis, raggis are managed by themselves and certificate of marriage is issued it in the name of a nearby Gurudwaras as they are not under the SGPC and are managed by locals.

Taking advantage of SGPC’s careless behaviour the resort owners, residents bring Guru Granth sahib at resorts and perform the marriage ceremonies, Lavan , Anand Karaj at the resort itself.

On the other hand the seriousness of the SGPC employees to check, to implement the Akal Takhat Sahib hukamnama in true spirits can be gauged from the fact that the same issue has been brought in the notice of the manager of one of the main gurudwara of Punjab but even after a week’s time he fails to got it checked despite the fact that the details were provided to him.

Akal Takhat Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC
Ragis during a marriage ceremony at a resort, at New Chandigarh

Akal Takht Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC. When contacted the shiromani gurudwara prabandhak committee president Harjinder Singh Dhami, he said “now, this has come to my notice tomorrow i’ll talk to the Singh Sahib (Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib) and discuss the prevailing issue with him.”

SGPC has a dharma parchar committee, to spread the message of Sikhism, to convey the message of Guru’s, SGPC, Akal Tahkhat sahib and to check the wrong doings in the religion. It has a good amount of budget and battery of dharam parcharaks. Even after this the committee seems to do its duty properly.

Akal Takhat Sahib Hukamnama openly flouted in Punjab under the nose of SGPC
Akal takhat Sahib hukamnama on marriages

(royalpatiala.in News)