Another milestone for PSPCL ; now instant connection for new industrial consumers of Jalandhar-Grewal


Another milestone for PSPCL ; now instant connection for new industrial consumers of Jalandhar-Grewal

Kanwar Inder Singh/

With the initiatives   of  A.Venu Prasad Additional Chief Secretary  Excise & Taxation Punjab  and CMD PSPCL and clear directions of Er. DPS Grewal director distribution, the  industrial consumers of Jalandhar city and surroundings areas will now no longer  have  to wait for release of new industrial connections. This was stated in a prèss note issued by PSPCL here today.

Er. DPS Grewal   disclosed  that Punjab State Power Corporation limited has completed few pending 66 kv system/ transmission  works  in Jalandhar city and surrounding areas  with in less than 5 months and corporation has spent  an expenditure of 21.34 crores for the said works. Er. Grewal said that on one hand the demand of industry has been met and PSPCL will also get  revenue  from the industrial consumers also.

Spokesman of PSPCL said that on the visit of director distribution Er.DPS Grewal  in Jalandhar in August 2020,in a meeting the  Industrial associations has raised the issue regarding non release of industrial connections since two or three years due to non completion of transmission works, which were pending for the last few years due to NOC from NHAI, technical issues and forest clearances etc. Spokesman further said that director distribution visited the site of proposed 66 KV S/S’s and route of 66 KV Line from 220 KV Kartarpur to 66 KV Jalandhar to ascertain various issues and discussed these issues with CMD PSPCL  Sh. A.Venu Prasad. They took initiative to solve the problems of right of way, NOC from NHAI, technical issues and forest clearances required to complete the transmission works for release of new Industrial connections, deloading of system, as Punjab being a Power surplus State. Er. Grewal appreciated the transmission and distribution teams for their initiatives to complete these works in time bound manner .He said that  regular monitoring of works was done.

PSPCL gets blue ribbon; instant connection for new industrial consumers of Jalandhar-Grewal

Er Grewal said that with the completion of these transmission works long pending demands of Industries have been met as the system is now ready to release industrial connections and also PSPCL get revenue. New 66 KV sub station Paragpur 66 KV Sub Station Paragpur was planned to give relief to 66 KV sub station Barringa in Jalandhar. The work was started in 2015-16 but due to the problem in the right of way of the feeding line, the construction of this line was repeatedly slipped the target date. He further added that the scope of the work was subsequently changed from over head line to partial on over head line and partial on underground cable to overcome the right of way problem. The work of laying 1.4 Km underground cable was started however the execution was again halted due to clearance from NHAI and other right of way issue .

After overcoming the various issue with the personal intervention of CMD & director distribution  ,66 KV Substation has been commissioned with new 1 no. 20 MVA 66/11 KV transformer on 22.12.2020. Rs 4.65 Crore has been spent on the project which will benefit the electricity consumers of the area being fed from 66 KV sub-station Barringa. Further, the overloaded feeder of Kukar Pind (AP feeder) & Safi (UPS feeder) will be de loaded with this project thereby providing quality & reliable supply to these areas. 66 KV Ring main Line to connect 220 KV Substation Kartarpur to 66 KV Jalandhar The 66 KV line to connect 220 KV Subsation Kartarpur to 66 KV Ring main between 66 KV Focal point & 66 KV Maqsoodpur was planned in year 2014 but due to various problems, the work was spilled over to subsequent years. 66 KV Line of 8KM on towers and 2 KM 66 KV underground cable was planned in scope of the work. The estimated cost of whole project was Rs. 16.69 crore. However due to various problems ascertained with right of way and Forest clearances the constructions work struck up. Now, the various issues relating to right of way and forest clearances was sorted out with the personal intervention of CMD/Director Distribution at district level & forest department and the line has been commissioned on 08.01.2021. With the commissioning of this line, 66 KV Tanda Road S/Stn and upcoming 66 KV S/Stn focal point-2 will be fed from 220 KV s/stn Kartarpur instead of 220 KV s/stn BBMB Jalandhar thereby giving relief to the over loaded existing line feeding 66 KV Tanda Road from 220 KV S/Stn BBMB Jalandhar. The Industrial belt of Tanda Raod & Focal point will get quality power supply with this project. New 66 KV S/Stn Focal Point-2 A New 66 Kv substation at Focal Point -2 has been planned by PSPCL in 2019-20. This substation was in addition to existing 66 Kv Sub station at Focal point which is overloaded. However , due to some technical issue, the execution of this grid was delayed. Now the technical issue has been resolved and execution of the line/substation has been started . Two number 66/11 KV Power Transformer with the capacity of 25/31.5 MVA and 20 MVA planned at this new substation and grid would be commissioned within two or three month , which further will give relief to existing focal point substation and ensure quality and reliable supply to industrial area as well as release of pending load.

January 9,2021