Another milestone! Research Branch of Punjabi University Patiala will become paperless
Kanwar Inder Singh/
Research Branch of Punjabi University Patiala will become paperless shortly. The need for this was conceptualized by Dr. Arvind, Vice Chancellor and executed by Gurpreet Singh, Web Developer, PunjabiPedia under the active guidance of Dr. Vishal Goyal, Dr. Gurpreet Josan and Dr. Gurpreet Lehal. The portal developed by the experts shall enable all persons involved in the process of research work to handle the relevant documents through computerized process.
Vice Chancellor, Deans, Head of the departments, students, supervisors/co-supervisors, external examiners, all staff members of research branch will have their own dedicated dashboard for their use. The research scholars will not need to go anywhere for tracing their application. They will be able to browse through their own dashboard to find the status of their application including eligibility certificate, enrolment application, registration application, six monthly report processing status, annual seminar application, pre-submission application, Ph. D. Thesis submission status, Evaluation Status, pending fees etc.
Students will be submitting the information once which will be used for all the steps in their whole journey of their research in the University. Students will keep on getting notifications about their pending seminars, pending dues etc., thus, reducing the number of visits to the research branch. Briefly, Head of the department will be forwarding the applications submitted by the students through their own dashboard and no papers will be sent for processing. Dealing clerks at Research Branch shall evaluate and process the applications on the portal itself through their dashboards. Deans of various faculties and Dean Research will have their own dashboard for processing the files coming to them.

Also, students will get real time updates about the processing of their applications through their own dashboards. Submission of thesis will also be through student portal. Vice Chancellor will be having his own dashboard for the processing of the files coming to his office. External Examiners will also be having their own dashboard for submission of the reports. In nut shell, each and every step followed manually at this time, will be made automatic through this portal.
This process of automation has been developed in open source technologies. Even the hosting will be done on University’s own server. In, future projects like automation of Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Internal Quality Assurance Cell will also be completed using this technology. Prof. A. K. Tiwary, Dean Research and Prof. Manjit Singh, Associate Dean Research informed that through this automation, the process will be more streamlined, report generation will be very easy and files will be processed at fast pace. He informed that this project has been developed in such a manner that it can be customized as per the needs of the other Universities/Organizations. Punjabi Vice Chancellor, Prof. Arvind informed that shortly, whole University will be automated through in-house development of such processes.
He informed that University has also completed the task of entering all service books on Integrated Human Resource Management Systems(iHRMS). Verification of this data in underway and shortly Establishment Branch will also be paperless. He told that University is open for consultancy enquiries regarding such projects with other Universities and Institutions.
July 20,2022