Anti-power sector forces again activated who are behind the lopsided PPA’s –PSEBEA to CM


Anti-power sector forces again activated who are behind the lopsided PPA’s –PSEBEA to CM

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Punjab state electricity board engineers association (PSEBEA) has requested the chief minister of Punjab Charanjit Singh Channi to grant a meeting to discuss the power scenario of the state, in details.

In a communiqué to the CM they highlighted that “we are very apprehensive of the anti-power sector forces who have vested interests and have always been able to derail any positive steps taken by the Government. The same forces have recently been again activated to derail your Government’s efforts to reveal the reasons/ circumstances behind the lopsided PPA’s and to stall the efforts to revisit these one-sided PPAs. We sincerely hope that your Government will not succumb to news propaganda unleashed by these forces and will be able to deliver for the People of Punjab. “

The association requested the chief minister that “there are some of the important suggestions which we firmly believe will have an immediate and positive effect on the health of the Punjab Power Sector. We request you to grant a meeting to discuss these in detail.

Er Jasvir Singh Dhiman, president PSEBEA said,” we want to convey our sincere thanks for measures taken by the Punjab Government to revive the ailing Power sector of Punjab.”

He further added that “the initial steps taken by Govt., especially to fast track the process to appoint a whole time professional as Chairman PSPCL and to revisit the PPA’s signed with IPP’s, are appreciable and will help in achieving the commitment of the Punjab Government to provide reliable, quality and affordable power to the citizens of Punjab.”

Anti-power sector forces again activated who are behind the lopsided PPA’s –PSEBEA to CM

Er AS Atwal, secretary PSEB Engineers’ Association said “ PSEBEA is a professional body of Power Engineers, representing 2000 engineers working in PSPCL/ PSTCL right from Asst. Engineers to Engineer-in-Chief. Our main objective remains the healthiness of the Punjab Power Sector and we have always given our unbiased view on the matters concerning the Punjab Power Sector. However, the governments of the day, ignored our professional advice, whether it was on right mix of Private Generation vis-a-vis Public Sector Generation (2007-08), requirement of separation of 66 KV works / 11 KV Works in APDRP projects (2014), not to outsource core business activities (2015), speed up operatisation of Pacchwara Coal Mine (2017), regarding closure of Bathinda thermal and two units of Ropar thermal plants (2018), revisiting of PPA’s with IPP’s (2019-20), etc., the results of which are open for anybody to analyze.”

They said, we are demanding the chief minister “to revisit the PPA’s signed with all IPP’s. Especially as the IPP’s are flouting the mandatory requirement of coal stock and these IPPs failed the people of Punjab to provide power during the peak demand months in FY 2021-22.  To take proactive steps to operationalize the Pachwara coal mine. To reduce AT&C losses with a focus on theft in the Domestic and Commercial sectors in identified high loss areas of Punjab.To do away with the culture of adhocism and appoint a full time and professional management both in PSPCL and PSTCL. Immediately set up a solar plant at the vacant land of Bathinda thermal plant in the state sector to reduce RE obligations of Punjab. Flattening the load curve by incentivising consumers using power at off peak. Expedite and complete the process of ICT installation/ up-gradation and augmentation of conductor with HTLS to increase ATC / TTC before the paddy 2022 and reduce. Merging the PSPCL and PSTCL to save unnecessary costs, to improve efficiency and coordination between transmission and distribution. Recruitment at all levels. To fill all important vacant posts with regular employees in PSPCL and PSTCL.”

October 20,2021