Ashu directs food dept to complete rabi crop arrangements well before time


Ashu directs food dept to complete rabi crop arrangements well before time

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Punjab Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu on Monday reviewed the procurement arrangements for ensuing Rabi crop. Chairing a high-level meeting with top officials of department here at Anaaz Bhawan, Ashu said as just around a month is left before Rabi produce starts arriving in Mandis directing to complete all arrangements to ensure hassle free season for farmers. Director Food Supplies Anindita Mitra was also present during the meeting.

Ashu directs food dept to complete rabi crop arrangements well before time

During the meeting a presentation was also made to apprise department officers about newly prepared wheat procurement portal. The portal prepared as per directions of GOI contains provisions where farmer/Aartiya/Inspector can himself register and also records information like farmer’s mobile number, quantum of place of crop sewn by the farmer. Besides this, more related information like farmer’s bank account number, IFSC and name of Artiya is also entered.

After filing up of this information, a number would be allotted to farmer, a copy of which would also be forwarded to Artiya.

Ashu also directed officers to start registration of farmers to avoid last minute hassles. The Minister also made clear that old portal would not be used this season.

Ashu directs food dept to complete rabi crop arrangements well before time.On the occasion, he also directed officers to complete distribution of NFSA wheat by March 20 positively.
