August 10,2021 going to be a Black Day in the history of PSPCL


August 10,2021 going to be a Black Day in the history of PSPCL

Kanwar Inder Singh/

August 10,2021 is going to be a Black Day in the history of Punjab state power corporation limited as around 2000 engineers of all rank will deposit their mobile sim cards to the management, for not bothering to solve their long pending demands.

The tussle between the powercom engineers and its management is going on from the last many months.

The PSEB Engineers Association (PSEBEA) had resumed their protest on August 5,2021, after the powercom management fails to address their demands. As per their announced plan, the Punjab state power corporation limited (PSPCL) and Punjab state transmission corporation limited (PSTCL) engineers had quit their official What’s app groups and switched off their official mobile numbers, after the official working hours i.e after 5 PM, in protest against the non-fulfilment of their demands, on August 5,2021.

Now, their next plan is to deposit their official mobile sim cards to the management on 10/08/2021 at 11AM .

August 10,2021 going to be a Black Day in the history of PSPCL

Confirming the plan, PSEBEA general secretary Er Ajaypal Singh Atwal said “tomorrow morning all engineers from AE to Engineer-in-chief will return their official mobile Sim cards to the management. “

Giving further information, he said “it seems that management is not serious in solving its employees demand. So, the employees decided to speedup their agitation. The association acknowledges that during the critical summer period, quality and uninterrupted power supply is the primary objective of all stakeholders and accordingly as per the positive assurance of Punjab Govt. and PSPCL management toward the issues of power engineers, the Extended Executive Committee of the Association in its meeting held on 08/07/2021 had decided to postpone all agitation programmes upto 30/07/2021. After the management fails to address our demand, the engineer’s association resumed their protest. The association has already informed the management on August 2,2021 about their resumption of protest. ”

August 10,2021 going to be a Black Day in the history of PSPCL as with this act of power engineers, power crises may occur, as the mobile phone of the engineers will be switched off from 11 am onwards.

Power engineers gave shock to PSPCL management; resumed their protest

August 9,2021