Awareness Programme on TB at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Education College


Awareness Programme on TB at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Education College

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

N.S.S.unit of Mata Sahib Kaur Khalsa Girls College of Education, Dhamo Majra Patiala organized an awareness programme on Tuberculosis in collaboration with District Health Department.

The Chief Guest of this programme was Dr. Manjit Singh(Civil Surgeon, Patiala). The other dignitaries  who spoke on this occassion were Dr. Vikas Goyel (Medical Specialist , Mata Kaushalya Hospital, Patiala) and Dr. Gurpreet Singh Nagra (Distt. T.B. Officer, Pta.).

Awareness Programme on TB at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Education College

While welcoming the guests, College Principal ,Dr.Harmeet Kaur Anand said that the theme of this programme is itself very motivating . She also said that the theme of world TB Day- Its’s  Time _ _ _  puts the accent on the urgency to act on the commitment to scale up access  to prevention and treatment .She also thanked District Health Servants for amplifying the campaign  which will help in ending the TB from our community.

Dr.Vikas Goyal in his address delineated the historical background of the TB . He further stated that the disease of TB is as old as human civilization but it can be cured . Dr.Gurpreet Singh Nagra in his address said that 27% of the population of India is suffering from this disease of TB. He further informed the students about the virus of TB  and how this virus multiplies . He also informed the students about the different types of TB and also the facilities given by the Government for the treatment of this disease .

Awareness Programme on TB at Mata Sahib Kaur Girls Education College

Dr.Manjit Singh(Civil Surgeon,Patiala) said that ‘A Little Knowledge is a dangerous  thing’,  so complete test should be done before arriving at any conclusions . He further said that we should take a pledge to eliminate this deadly disease from our country. A SVEEP activity was also conducted on this occasion .S.Gurbakhshish Singh (Distt.Nodal Officer,SVEEP) informed the students about the voting percentage of Patiala Distt. in previous elections . He also asked the students to cast their vote without  feeling any kind of pressure  .A signature campaign was also organized and a pledge was taken to use the right to vote properly . Dr.M.S. Dhaliwal(Deputy Medical Commissioner) , Krishan Kumar (Distt.Mass Media Officer, Patiala), RNTCP Staff and ASHA workers also graced this occassion with their presence. All the staff members were also present during this programme.