Barnala DC with a difference; guiding govt school students along with ADC,DEO


Barnala DC with a difference; guiding govt school students along with ADC,DEO

Jasbir Kapoor/ Barnala

To improve the results of government schools in board exams, Deputy Commissioner Barnala Tej Partap Singh Phoolka has taken an initiative by adopting two students of class X of Government Senior Secondary School Sekha. The initiative has been taken during the felicitation ceremony of government school students who achieved excellence during house examinations.

While elaborating the initiative, DC informed that the initiative is purely on voluntary basis and the administrative and education department officials would personally coach the students of government schools to ensure better results in board exams. He added besides improvement in results, it would also help the students to achieve their aim in future.

Barnala DC with a difference; guiding govt school students along with ADC,DEO

Deputy Commissioner said that several efforts were being done by the Punjab Government and district administration to uplift the standard of education in government schools. He added that this initiative is also being widely accepted by administrative and education department officials as ADC Ruhee Dugg, DEO Sarabjeet Singh Toor, principal RP Singh along with several others have came forward voluntarily to adopt the students for coaching.

“This initiative to adopt the students of government schools would enhance the confidence of government school students. Besides improving results of board exams, it would also help the students to attain success in competitive exams,” DC said. He also appealed the officials and teachers to adopt the school students for personnel guidance under this initiative.

An official on the condition of anonymity  said ” this Barnala DC is with a difference; guiding govt school students along with ADC,DEO for better results and starting a new positive trend ”