CBSE announces dates for X and XII exams


CBSE announces dates for X and XII exams

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

CBSE has announced that they will conduct the remaining exams of class X and XII between 1st-15th July 2020. Detailed, subject wise date sheet will be announced shortly.

While the exams for 12 subjects of class 12 will be held across the country, the exams for class 10 will be held only in northeast Delhi. Overall, the CBSE will conduct 29 exams.

CBSE announces dates for X and XII exams.Further, the result for the class 12 boards will be announced before the JEE Advanced releases its merit list.The  CBSE class 12 board exams are pre-requisite for both entrance-based as well as merit-based college entrance exams. Thus the result is also likely to be announced before the session begins. The new session, as per UGC will begin in September. Usually, the sessions begin from July, however, the pandemic has delayed the process.

CBSE announces dates for X and XII exams
