CHB updated application forms for various services ;its free download facility


CHB updated application forms for various services ;its free download facility

KI Singh/

The Chandigarh Housing Board has revised and updated application forms for its various facilities. The application forms and related documents have been simplified in such a way that the applicant can download from the website of the CHB www.chbonline.inand fill up without any assistance from any experts.

These formats include application forms, affidavits, indemnity bonds and agreements etc for its following services:

  1. Application for Transfer of property in case of intestate demise (death of the allottee/transferee)
  2. Application for Transfer of property on the basis of un-registered will
  3. Application for Transfer property  on the basis  of registered will
  4. Application for NOC for Transfer deed of lease rights
  5. Application for Transfer of lease  hold property
  6. Application for Transfer of free-hold property through Sale Deed/Gift Deed/Transfer Deed
  7. Permission to mortgage of the property
  8. Application for Conversion of property from lease-hold to free-hold
  9. Application for Execution of conveyance deed of freehold property
  10. Application for finalisation of payment
  11. Application for No Dues Certificate
  12. Application for issuance of Lump sum Payment Certificate
  13. Application for issuance of Interest Component Certificate
  14. Application for issuance of duplicate Allotment Letter/Transfer letter/Possession Slip/No Dues Certificate etc.

CHB updated application forms for various services ;its free download facility-Photo courtesy-Internet

Furher an official said “CHB updated application forms for various services ;its free download facility and to avoid wastage of the existing stationary and for convenience of the public, it has been decided that till 31.12.2019, the old application formats will also be accepted. However from 01st January 2020, the applications will be accepted in new formats only.”