Civil Surgeon monitored ongoing anti dengue activities


Civil Surgeon monitored ongoing anti dengue activities

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Health department, under weekly dry day campaign enhanced its efforts to curtail growth of Aedes mosquito which spreads Dengue and Chikungunya diseases. Civil Surgeon Dr. Harish Malhotra himself monitored the actual house to house checking in streets of Kesar  bagh colony. He told that health workers are doing every bit of efforts to reach out to houses but people have to understand why can’t such collections can be abolished by themselves, why only when some worker reach out to them. Public is being regularly made aware about control measures and everyone should take care of their house and surroundings. He also told that we are regularly monitoring the high risk areas and sharing the information with Municipal corporation and other local bodies.

Civil Surgeon monitored ongoing anti dengue activities

District Epidemiologist Dr. Sumeet Singh told that his teams inspected Kesar bagh, Badungar, Mathura colony, Adarsh nagar, Guru Nanak nagar areas and issued 41 chalans. Total 4,84,000 houses have been visited and larva was detected and destroyed at 2,722 places. Total no of challans in district Patiala has rose to 156.

One swimming pool situated near NIS was found heavily affected by Aedes mosquito where ample amount of adult mosquito along with larva in collected waste like earthen pots, pot trays, tyres.

He asked public to either keep such waste in covered areas or either cover such dumped waste so that rain water do not get collected in them.