Cleanliness drive to create awareness by Modern School


Cleanliness drive to create awareness by Modern School

Jasbir Kapoor/ Patiala

Under the Swatch Bharat mission the students of Modern Senior Secondary School Patiala went to 200 shops to educate the shopkeepers about the ill-effects on the use of plastic.

The main purpose of this cleanliness drive was to create awareness among the shopkeepers regarding the ill-effects of plastic and its harmful impact on our environment. The students along with the NCC cadets of the school went to different shops, took a survey of what kind of packaging material the shopkeepers used and then educated them about the harmful effects of plastic. The students on this occasion installed recycled dustbins at several places and explained the shop keepers about how segregation is the first but the most important step when it comes to garbage.

Cleanliness drive to create awareness by Modern School

Modern Senior Secondary School Patiala has recently started a conservation legacy to save the environment, and students are actively participating in recycling, composting, organic gardening and other environmental issues to create awareness, including making the campus a no-plastic zone.

Modern Senior Secondary School Patiala management is committed to sincerely continue in all positive social endeavours zealously, as the school motto is “Education with Moral Values” said spokesperson of the school.