CME on recent advances in cancer treatment organized by Max hospital in association with SPMPA


CME on recent advances in cancer treatment organized by Max hospital in association with SPMPA

Kanwar Inder Singh/

As many as 63 doctors attended a CME on the latest advancement in cancer treatment at a private hotel here today. The CME was organized by Max Hospital Mohali in association with Shimla Private Medical Practitioners Association (SPMPA) .

During CME, Dr. Kanika Sharma Patial , associate consultant of medical oncology at Max talked about ‘breast cancer awareness and latest advances in oncology’  and Dr. Arvind Guru associate consultant of surgical oncologist spoke on ‘organ preservation and recent advances in surgical oncology’.

Talking about the latest breakthrough in cancer treatment, Dr. Kanika said that precision oncology is the best new weapon to defeat cancer and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is also transforming cancer care.

CME on recent advances in cancer treatment organized by Max hospital in association with SPMPA

Dr. Arvind Guru said that during cancer treatment, sometimes side-effects of the treatment would force patients to avoid proper treatment, however with recent advances in surgical oncology, the side-effects are less.

He further said that in present days, we preserve the structure and function of organs so that patients can live a good life after treatment and cure. Moreover now cancer surgery can be performed laparoscopically i.e without any cut on abdomen or chest, said Dr. Arvind adding with very good chemotherapy drugs and targeted agent and advanced radiotherapy, result of treatment has also increased.

October 12,2022