Conquered; Punjab state load dispatch centre won Best State Load Dispatch Center award


Conquered; Punjab state load dispatch centre won Best State Load Dispatch Center award

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Patiala

Under the guidance of Chief Minister of Punjab Capt. Amarinder Singh   and Management of Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited /Punjab State Power Corporation Limited, Punjab State Load Dispatch Center (PSLDC) has been declared winner in the category ‘Best State Load Dispatch Center (SLDC)’ for year 2019 by Independent Power Producers Association of India (IPPAI)in 20th Regulators & Policymakers Retreat -2019 (RPR) held at Goa  from 5th to 7th December, 2019.

Punjab State Load Dispatch Center (PSLDC) has won this prestigious award amongst the 33 SLDCs spread across the country. On this occasion, Ravneet Kaur, Addl. Chief Secretary/Power, Punjab & CMD/ PSTCL congratulated Er.Y.P.S.Baath, Chief Engineer/SLDC and officials of PSLDC for this achievement.

Conquered; Punjab state load dispatch centre won Best State Load Dispatch Center award

Er.Y.P.S.Baath Chief Engineer/SLDC said that the achievement is the outcome of hard work & dedication of PSLDC’s officials. PSLDC had also won this award in Year 2017 with runner up in 2016.

Punjab State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC), a separate accounting unit of Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL), is a state of art Computerized Control centre established in August 2002 at Ablowal, Patiala. It ensures integrated operation of the power system of Punjab with the Northern Region Load Dispatch Centre of India.