Corona casts a shadow on placement of students of Guru Nanak Dev University


Corona casts a shadow on placement of students of Guru Nanak Dev University

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Around three hundred students of Guru Nanak Dev University who recently graduated from the university had got job offers from various reputed multinational companies with hefty packages . These students are now facing a peculiar situation viz a viz the job offers on account of non-availability of Detailed Marks Cards of their intermediate semesters, as they were promoted last year on the basis of the cumulative average of their grades of previous semesters as per the directions of the government in wake of the pandemic. Some of the companies offering jobs are finding it difficult to evolve a criteria to hire prospective employees in absence of concrete and comprehensive evidence of their academic performance in form of detailed marks cards of all the semesters. Reservations are also expressed on the system of conduct of non- proctored e mail based examinations of the exit class students .The system of conducting non proctored email based examinations by sending question papers and then receiving answer sheets of students through email has not been taken very kindly by students and their hirers. This system of e mail based conduct of examinations has also created  upheaval, as it has been observed that there is a noticeable discrepancy between the performance of the students in comparison to their past record of previous semesters regarding secured marks. In many instances, it has resulted in good students securing less marks.

Corona casts a shadow on placement of students of Guru Nanak Dev University

Guru Nanak Dev university  is in contact with all these companies on daily basis and trying hard to sort out these issues so that the students having placements  in various companies do not face any problem in joining their jobs. .

However, as second wave was in it peak there was uncertainty about the current covid -19 situation, the university  had conducted students’ survey by creating a dedicated page to take feedback from students, as to their choice method of examination and also the fallacies in the last years examination system.

Corona casts a shadow on placement of students of Guru Nanak Dev University. Keeping in view the health of the students in focus the university did not want to impose the procedure without taking into consideration the students view point. The Overwhelming majority of the students have given their choice for offline examinations.

In the light of this The university  has conveyed to Government of Punjab the desire of overwhelming majority of students and has sought directions in this matter. The Guru Nanak Dev university will conduct examinations as per guidelines and directions from Government of Punjab as and when received by it.

June 13,2021