Covid 19 is on; unexpected rain brought dengue menace; MC Patiala is prepared to repulse dengue- Commissioner


Covid 19 is on; unexpected rain brought dengue menace; MC Patiala is prepared to repulse dengue- Commissioner

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Because of unexpected rains in the city, many areas have been rendered waterlogged. These conditions are conducive for the germination of dengue larvae, for which an emergency meeting was called by Sanjeev Bittu, Mayor MC Patiala and Punamdeep Kaur, Commissioner, MC Patiala. It was decided that though fogging was being done earlier also to counter the dengue menace, the drive will be augmented by introduction of bigger vehicles meant for fogging. In all, 2 hand held machines and three big machines will be deployed for the purpose of carrying out fogging exercise in all the 60 wards of the City. Furthermore larvaecide granules will be sprinkled in the waterlogged areas to get rid of possible presence of dengue larvae.  The Joint Commissioner of the Corporation has been entrusted with the task to supervise he entire drive, and to ensure that all parts of the City  are duly covered.

Covid 19 is on; unexpected rain brought dengue menace; MC Patiala is prepared to repulse dengue- Commissioner-Photo courtesy-Internet

As the threat of Covid-19 looms large, the possible outbreak of dengue can compound the miseries for the city dwellers. This may put additional strain on the Health Department of the City. SanjivBittu, Mayor MC Patiala stated that though the Corporation is doing its best to counter the looming menace, it is also the duty of the Citizens to remain aware and do their bit to nip the disease in the bud. He quoted the joint efforts of MC Patiala and citizens of Patiala City last year, when dengue was contained to fullest.

Punamdeep Kaur, Commissioner, MC Patiala City stated that the unexpected rains have raised the possibility to of a possible outbreak of dengue, regarding which MC Patiala is  fully geared to repulse the same. The Sanitary Inspectors will work put in augmented efforts to counter the danger of dengue, for which extensive fogging will be carried out in all parts of the City. Although 25 small machines are already doing fogging, three big vehicle mounted machines will be put in the operations, to give more teeth to the drive. Furthermore, larvaecide granules will be sprinkled in waterlogged areas to eliminate the dengue larvae. Punamdeep Kaur stated that the citizens should also ensure that they should not let water stagnate at any part of the homes and neighborhoods. She stated that in case of any problem, the citizens may contact the Sanitary Inspector of their respective area, or her office anytime during office hours.

April, 27, 2020