DC Patiala Introduces WhatsApp Chatbot “7380016070” to Revolutionize Crop Residue Management


DC Patiala Introduces WhatsApp Chatbot “7380016070” to Revolutionize Crop Residue Management

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ October 5,2023

In a groundbreaking move to support farmers and address crop residue management, Deputy Commissioner Patiala, Sakshi Sawhney, launched a WhatsApp Chatbot, “7380016070,” in accordance with Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann’s directives.

This innovative chatbot offers farmers easy access to information and assistance in obtaining essential Crop Residue Management (CRM) machinery, including bailers, choppers, seeders, and mulchers.

To initiate a chat in this chatbot, the user must write SSA at the beginning of the conversation.

The “7380016070” WhatsApp Chatbot efficiently collects crucial data, such as farmers’ locations, harvesting dates, and contact information, streamlining connections with necessary resources.

The chatbot also creates a comprehensive repository of farmer requests, facilitating timely action by Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDMs) and Block Development and Panchayat Officers (BDPOs) to ensure effective crop residue management support.

Additionally, the chatbot helps farmers find nearby peers with needed CRM machinery, promoting community collaboration.

DC Patiala Introduces WhatsApp Chatbot “7380016070” to Revolutionize Crop Residue Management

Concurrently, the District Administration conducts Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) activities to raise awareness about stubble burning’s adverse effects and advocate In-Situ and Ex-Situ techniques.

Deputy Commissioner Sakshi Sawhney has directed relevant departments, including Agriculture, Cooperative, Rural Development, and Punjab Pollution Control Board officials, to actively promote sustainable farming practices in Patiala.