Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control


Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control

Kanwar Inder Singh/

The Department of General Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control. The CME was conducted under the aegis of the Infection Control Committee of the institution and in collaboration with the departments of Microbiology and Pharmacology.

Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control

The CME was inaugurated by Dr. D.K. Singh, Executive Director, AIIMS Bathinda who was the Patron of the event. In his address, Dr. D.K. Singh stressed on the importance of infection control in a healthcare institution and urged all departments to imbibe and follow the best practices in this regard.Co-Patron of the CME, Dr. Satish Gupta, Dean, AIIMS Bathinda felicitated the speakers and organizing committee members. Dr. Preeti Singh Dhoat, HOD General Medicine, was the Organizing Chairperson while Dr. Moonis Mirza (Chairperson Infection Control Committee), Dr. Mintu Pal, Dr. Kamala Kant, Dr. Amandeep Kaur and Dr. Niket Verma were Organizing Secretaries of the CME.

Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control

In the first session Dr. Sivananthan K. (Dept. of Microbiology) spoke on Infection Control and Hand Hygiene, the second session on Antimicrobial Stewardship was delivered by Dr. Mintu Pal (Dept. of Pharmacology) while Dr. Shubhasis Dan spoke on Waste disposal and Environment Protection.

Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control

Department of General Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a CME on Hospital Infection Control. The CME came to a close with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Niket Verma. The CME was organized on August 12th , 2022 with the aim of increasing knowledge and awareness regarding Hospital Infection Control and was well attended by faculty members, nursing officers and students of the institution. Organizing committee members included Dr. Sivananthan K, Dr. Abhinav Kanwal, Dr. Maninder Kansal and Dr. Deepak Chaudhary.

August 17,2022