The District Legal Services Authority today convened a quarterly meeting under the Chairmanship of Sh. Sanjiv Berry, District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority. Various matters concerning the administration of justice in District Patiala in general and District Legal Services Authority in particular were discussed.
The upcoming National Lok Adalat to be held on 09.12.2017 was also highlighted. Sh. Sanjiv Berry elaborated that in the upcoming National Lok Adalat all matters except Criminal Non Compoundable matters shall be taken up for their disposal after amicable settlement between the parties. He appealed to the public at large to get their cases fixed in the National Lok Adalat and to avail speedy justice.

The meeting amongst others was attended by Sh. Kumar, IAS, Deputy commissioner, Sh. S. Boopathi, IPS, SSP, Sh. Arun Gupta, Addl. Sessions Judge-I, Ms. Poonam Bansal, CJM, Dr. Balwinder Singh, Civil Surgeon, Sh. Sanjiv Gupta, District Attorney, Jail Superintendent of the Jails located in District Patiala. Sh. Ashish Kumar Bansal, CJM/Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala also presented the progress report for the quarter ending September, 2017.
During the District Legal Services Authority quarterly meeting, he told that three National Lok Adalats were organized, in the preceding quarter in which a total of 11029 cases were taken up and 6069 cases were disposed of by various benches constituted in Sessions Division, Patiala disbursing an amount of Rs. 37,84,64,686/-