Dobermann from Kolkata is Best puppy in Dog Show


Dobermann from Kolkata is Best puppy in Dog Show

Patiala Kennel Club Organized its 52nd and 53rd All Breed Championship Dog Shows today at Raja Bhalendra Singh Stadium (Polo Grounds) Patiala.

Total 227 Dogs in 42 breed participated in these shows. The Exhibitors from UP, Delhi, HP, Assam, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Rajsthan, Uttarakhand,    J & K and other parts of the country  participated in these shows. A large number  of Labrador (16),  Rottweiler (18), German Shepherd Dog (35), Pug (12),  Doberman (14), Tibetan Mastiff (9), Beagle (11) participated in these shows. Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Caravan Hound, Chow Chow, Akita, Samoyed, Dogo Argentino & Bernese Mountain Dogs were the main attraction of the show.

These shows provide an opportunity to watch exotic breeds of dogs.  The spectators were amazed to see some exotic & rare breeds. Kids were enjoyed by watching the smallest and the largest types of canine world. People in large number thronged the Show.

Dobermann from Kolkata is Best puppy in Dog Show

Patiala Kennel club has been conducting shows for the last 25 years. Patiala Kennel Club has once again chosen as Nodal club where points will be counted towards selecting the following “The Dog of the year”, Reserve Dog of the year”, Best Puppy of the year” & “Best Bred in India Dog of the year”.

C.V Sudarsan from Chennai and Javinder Singh Pawar from Bangalore very prominent international judges has judged these shows.

Results of   52nd   all breeds championship dog show- Judged by. C V Sudarsan
Best in show breed  St.Bernard of  Bhupinder Singh from vill. Kauri , Khanna,

2nd best in show,
3rd best in show – Labrador Retriever of Karan Singh Walia from Mumbai.
Best puppy in show- Dobermann of Digantika Bhadra & Ruhal Bhadra from Kolkata,

Results of 53  all breeds championship dog show-Judged by Javinder Singh Pawar
Best in show breed  GSD of Selva Muthu Kumar S. from  Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
2nd best in show Tibetan Mastiff of Himmat Singh Sekhon from Amritsar,
3 rd Best in Show Rottweler of Surinder Tiwana from Nabha,
Best puppy in show- .Dobermann of Digantika Bhadra & Ruhal Bhadra from Kolkata,
