Dr. Ashok Kumar reviews activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Farmer Advisory Service Centre, Rupnagar


Dr. Ashok Kumar reviews activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Farmer Advisory Service Centre, Rupnagar

Bahadurjeet Singh /Rupnagar

Dr. Ashok Kumar, Director of extension education, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana on Tuesday inaugurated the session of five days vocational training programme on dairy farming at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Rupnagar. The team also visited the fields of progressive farmers Sumer Bahadur Singh, village Lalpur, Nurpur Bedi and Varinder Singh, vegetable grower, village Shampura,Rupnagar.

Dr Ashok Kumar along with additional director of extension education Dr GPS Sodhi and Senior Entomologist Dr. Sandeep Singh, PAU, Ludhiana also visited the different demonstration units at KVK premises as well as at farm and appreciated the ventures of the KVK and gave valuable suggestions.

While reviewing the ongoing activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Farmer Advisory Service Centre(FASC), Rupnagar he stressed upon the need for establishment of more farms with diversified cultivation.
Dr. Ashok Kumar reviews activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Farmer Advisory Service Centre, Rupnagar

On this occasion, Dr. G.P.S. Sodhi guided to adopt the multi-directional approach and also focus on dissemination of DSR technology in addition to crop diversification.

Deputy Director, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rupnagar  Dr. Satbir Singh expressed gratitude and assured the team that all the guidelines will be followed by the KVK and Farm advisory Service Centre Rupnagar team.

Dr. Ashok Kumar reviews activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Farmer Advisory Service Centre, Rupnagar.  Scientists from KVK and Farm advisory Service Centre  Dr. Aparna Gupta, Dr. Sanjeev Ahuja, Dr. Pawan Kumar, Dr. Ankurdeep Kaur Dr. Raminder Singh Ghuman and Dr. Navneet Kaur also accompanied the team.

About Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level institution (Farm Science Centre) engaged in transfer of latest agricultural technologies to the end users for bridging the gap between production and productivity. It works through partnership mode with allied departments and agencies. The KVK Ropar established under the aegis of Punjab Agriculture University and serves as a link between the farming community and university for transfer of technology and feedbacks in turn. Krishi Vigyan Kendra is an innovative science based institution which imparts trainings viz.: short term (1-2 days), medium term (3-5 days) and long term (1 week to 2 weeks) in the disciplines of Crop Production, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Soil Science, Animal Science and Home Science for farmers, farm women and unemployed rural youths. It also conducts ‘On Farm Research’ for technology refinement and ‘Front Line Demonstrations’ to demonstrate the production potential of various agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as to the extension workers. KVK also undertakes in-service trainings for the field functionaries of different departments engaged in the upliftment of rural society.

May 17,2022