Dr. Harshindar bats for protection of women’s rights by sensitizing society


Dr. Harshindar bats for protection of women’s rights by sensitizing society

Bureau/ royalpatiala.in/ Geneva (Switzerland)

Dr. Harshindar Kaur from India was specially invited to deliver lecture on perspectives of gender justice as she had already represented India in United Nations twice before this event. Jennifer Philpot Nissen, Executive for Human Rights, World Council of Churches introduced Dr. Harshindar Kaur to the house saying that she is the only one till date to raise constant voice about female feticide and infanticide at international level for past 26 years.

Dr. Harshindar bats for protection of women’s rights by sensitizing society

Dr. Kaur in her address said that looking at ever increasing crimes against women, it seems that all religions have failed to protect women rights. All suggestions for improving sex ratio at world level by Dr. Harshindar Kaur were accepted in toto by the committee. Dr. Kaur in her lecture stated that at the time of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, atrocities on women were at peak but Guru ji demolished centuries old disparity against women by his revolutionary ideology which led to decrease in crimes against women in that era. She batted for the sensitization of society on one hand starting from school level, giving awareness about XY chromosomes in the society and registering case of murder in all cases of female infanticide.

Dr. Harshindar bats for protection of women’s rights by sensitizing society

Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit General Secretary of World Council of Churches thanked the participants and specially invited Dr. Harshindar Kaur to deliver presentation at UN on 8 March 2020 to take some concrete steps to stop feticide at international level.