Eminent scientist, researchers to participate in National Symposium ; organised by Thapar Institute  


Eminent scientist, researchers to participate in National Symposium ; organised by Thapar Institute

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

TIFAC-Centre of Excellence (TIFAC-CORE) in Agro and Industrial Biotechnology and Department of Biotechnology, TIET Patiala is organizing a National Symposium on Trends in Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture in association with Plant Tissue Culture Association of India [PTCA(I)] during 06-08th February 2020. Being organized in agriculture based state; the event has a great relevance addressing the challenging issues of plant productivity. Therefore, this symposium is focused on various themes of Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture. Over 250 delegates including eminent scientists and young researchers from all over India will deliberate during the symposium.

Eminent scientist, researchers to participate in National Symposium ; organised by Thapar Institute

The symposium adds a unique value to young researchers as two dedicated sessions where they will have fruitful peer-to-peer discussions and to receive feedback from leading senior researchers about their current research work.This event has been generously sponsored by DST, CSIR along with many Industries from private sector.

Eminent scientist, researchers to participate in National Symposium to be organised by Thapar Institute in which Prof. M.S. Reddy will chair the conference. The Convener of this National symposium is Prof. Anil Kumar and Organizing Secretory is Dr. Shekhar Agnihotri.

About Plant Tissue Culture Association of India

PTCA(I) has been providing this unique platform by facilitating annual congregation of scientists, since four decades. PTCA(I) through National Symposium not only enables peer evaluation of ongoing research in the area of Plant Biotechnology but also provides closer look at criticality of individual researchers.
