English has become very important in today’s world-Suman Wadhwa


English has become very important in today’s world-Suman Wadhwa

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

“Language is crucial as it’s one of the prime ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied since English cannot be denied since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. It is called the ‘Queen of languages,” said Suman Wadhwa, Assistant Professor .

Due to advent of technological advancement English has been playing paramount role in all spheres of life like medicine, higher education, computer world, engineering, law etc. In a multicultural country like India where people from different states and ethnic backgrounds live and work together, English language serves as a connecting link .From the pragmatic point of view English language is like a window to the world. It’s the burning need of the hour to learn English language to facilitate easy understanding of philosophy science and technology. English is the third most spoken language in the world.

English has become very important in today’s world-Suman Wadhwa

If one has to survive in today’s cut throat competition one should have good command over this language. English has become very important in today’s world due to its international importance too. The world has become global village and to communicate effectively there is no other better medium than English.

In the flood of English learning institutes, students find themselves in a state of dilemma which way to go. Every institute trains students in its own peculiar way. But ‘Easy English institute strengthens and polishes basic English learning skills with a qualitative approach .It enables the students to speak, write and read English in a exceptionally easy way. In the present competitive scenario it is inevitable to have command at least over two languages as Frank Smith says: “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way”. Come and see the difference with a new perspective of learning at ‘Easy English’. at 32-G Gobind Nagar, Model Town Patiala(92170-90999).