Excise Dept fetches Rs 547 crore in draw of lots for liquor vends from Patiala


Excise Dept fetches Rs 547 crore in draw of lots for liquor vends from Patiala

Kanwar Inder Singh/royalpatiala.in News/ March 28,2024

Today, the Punjab Excise and Taxation Department held a draw of lots to allocate liquor vends in Patiala.

As per available information, the excise department has received 2064 applications for Patiala district’s 406 vends. The application fees was Rs 75000 per application which is non refundable. The department has set a target to receive Rs 547 crore in 2024-25 with around 7 percent hike over 2023-24.

The department has divided Patiala district into 14 zones. Out of these 14, 7 zones are in corporation area (Patiala local), 3 in Rajpura, 2 in Nabha and 1 each in Samana and Patran.

As per available information, local Patiala vends has been allotted to AtoZ Wines, Sharma Enterprises, Gurmukh Singh and Co., AK and Co. amongst others. Pawan kumar from Nabha allotted both zones.

Excise Dept fetches Rs 547 crore in draw of lots for liquor vends from Patiala, after the new Excise Policy is aimed at garnering revenue to the tune of Rs 10,145.95 crore from the sale of liquor in the border state.

After the announcement of polls, the state approached the election commission to allow them to go for auction of liquor vends in the state.

Excise Dept fetches Rs 547 crore in draw of lots for liquor vends from Patiala


The Election Commission gave state government to hold auctions and is keeping a close eye on the draw of lots and allotment of vends.

“If, any of the vends is not auctioned than an advertisement of unallotted groups will be done through DNIT (e-tender) on March 29,2024. Tenders will be received with both technical bid and financial bid upto 1:00 pm on April 1,2024. On the same day, at 3:00 pm the technical bids will be opened and at 5:00 pm the financial bid will be opened and allotment of tender to the successful bidder” said an officer on the condition of anonymity.