Expert talk on ethics in preclinical research at Rayat Bahra
PATIALA: Prof (Dr) Tapan Behl, Associate Professor at Chitkara University, delivered an expert talk on `Ethics in Preclinical Research’ at the Rayat Bahra Patiala campus.
The students of Bahra Institute of Pharmacy along with all faculty members attended the lecture and got valuable information regarding issues involved in research on animals conducted throughout the world.
Dr Behl provided the knowledge to the audience about Committee for the Purpose of Control And Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines, formation of Institutional Animal Ethics committee (IAEC), and International Stud Book Committee (ISBC) that serves an integral part in pharmacy institutes.
Dr Behl also emphasized on research scholars to adhere to ethical guidelines with utmost care. He also spoke about scientific and regulatory acceptance of alternative methods which are of importance to the sciences and which reduce, refine or replace the use of animals. The scientific talk updated the students about the guidelines formulated by the government in use of animals.

Dr Behl is a recipient of Young Scientist Award, Young Researcher Award, Rashtriya Gaurav Award, Best Researcher Award, Excellence Award in Biomedical Research, Scientist of the Year 2017.
Professor Harbans Singh, Principal, Department of Pharmacy, welcomed the speaker. Dr Piush Verma, Campus Director, said that preclinical research was mandatory for pharmacy students. Dr Verma thanked Dr Behl for giving such an informative talk.
Gurvinder Singh Bahra,. Chairman of the Rayat Bahra Group of Institutions (RBGI), appreciated the pharmacy department for arranging this innovative talk.