MoU between GNDU-ITC Hotel Ranjit Vilas


MoU between GNDU-ITC Hotel Ranjit Vilas

Amritsar-The Guru Nanak Dev University has signed a MoU with Ranjit Vilas, a leading name in ITC Welcome Heritage brand in Tourism & Hospitality for joining hands to create a strong connection between University and Hotel Industry.

The MoU was signed in the presence of Prof. (Dr). Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice Chancellor, Vikram Singh Makhni M.D, Prof. Karanjeet Singh Kahlon, Registrar, Prof. Kamaljit Singh, Dean Academic Affairs and other senior  officials.

MoU between GNDU-ITC Hotel Ranjit Vilas

Dr. Preet Mohinder Singh Bedi, Coordinator University Industry Linkage Programme of the University informed that both parties agreed to develop synergetic collaboration in a resource sharing and knowledge sharing environment in the field of Tourism & Hospitality. Beside this, parties agreed to develop academic programmes and share expertise in training/internships for students in various fields of Hospitality like Reception desk, House Keeping and restaurant departments, arrange guest lecturers from the renowned officials from renowned ITC hotels and other activities through joint organization of events.

Makhni informed that his group will provide stipends for internships and also provides scholarships to under privileged students. Prof. Sandhu said that the University has been working for past many years in providing quality education to the society and reiterated the commitment of becoming center of excellence in this field.