Family get-together of Ludhiana Management Association


Family get-together of Ludhiana Management Association

On Sunday, 25th of February 2018, starting at 10:30 a.m. sharp, LMA family will be celebrating with all pomp, show and gaiety its Annual family Get-together functions under the banner ‘AAO DHOOM MACHAEN. The venue for the entertainment-studded event shall be beautiful and ambient Hotel Nirvana, Partap Singh Wala, Hambran Road, Ludhiana.

The event promises to be a real extravaganza. A plethora of activities and entertainment programs have been planned for the occasion. There would be games for all age groups, lucky draws, music, dance and mouth watering delicacies. Moreover, the members will get the chance to win several prizes and take home loads of free gifts.

Family get-together of Ludhiana Management Association

V K Goyal ,Chairman, Cultural Affairs Committee, LMA said in an upbeat mood, “Our endeavor is to make this year’s celebrations more exciting and exhilarating compared to previous years. We promise that the ambiance and beauty of the resort will be captivating and the events will be a real delight to everyone.” He also shared that there shall also be whole lot of sporting events like musical chairs, tug of war, spoon race, chatti race, three legged race, one-legged race, sack and back race, forbidden apple along with amusing crazy quizzes shall also be some of the star items of the show.”

“This Annual family get-together function is one of the oldest traditions of the association and all the members and their families eagerly look forward to this gala event full of festivity every year. More than 2500 people consisting of top industrialists, entrepreneurs, management professionals, bankers and academicians of Ludhiana are expected to attend the function this year. Arrangements have been made in such a way that everyone would find the atmosphere comfortable, relaxing and reinvigorating.”  Goyal further said

The event this time shall take the members to a different world altogether. “Rich blend of people; food and entertainment shall be the hall mark of this mega carnival. The event promises to be an unforgettable one for one and all.” he added.