A one-week faculty development program on “Entrepreneurial Development” was successfully conducted at Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology (GZSCCET), Bathinda. The program was organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh from 18-22 September 2017. The program primarily aimed to impart entrepreneurial and self-employment education among the campus faculty so that they could encourage extend help to their students to become entrepreneurs.
During the one-week FDP, many renowned personalities of our region shared their valuable experiences with the faculty members on a plethora of topics ranging from a skill set for entrepreneurs, ethical issues in corporate, business plan preparation, creativity, innovation and intellectual property rights for entrepreneurs.
In the closing ceremony, Er. Amardev Singh, Assistant Professor, NITTTR, Chandigarh emphasized that teachers can play a vital role towards motivating the students to become entrepreneurs. He highlighted NITTTR’s initiative to conduct entrepreneurship awareness programs for students of different streams.

Prof. Gursharan Singh, Campus Director, GZSCCET, Bathinda was the chief guest of the closing ceremony. He stressed on the significance of conducting FDPs. He believes that FDPs raise the bar of faculty members. He further added that if students be encouraged to become entrepreneurs the problem of unemployment could be reduced.
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mohan Paul Singh Ishar, MRSPTU, Bathinda appreciated the efforts of NITTTR and the Department of Humanities & Management Studies for conducting the FDP. Prof.J.S. Hundal, Registrar, MRSPTU, Bathinda also applauded the department for the sincere efforts in conducting the FDP.
The vote of thanks was presented by the Incharge of the department, Dr. Suman Kathuria. Dr. Pritpal Singh Bhullar, a Local Coordinator of the FDP, was also present during the event