For 55000 posts,online form submission date extended-SSC
Jasbir Kapoor / Bathinda
The Staff Selection Commission has extended the date for submission of online forms for the 55000 posts of Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2018 – Extension of Closing Date Online applications for the Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles. Disclosing this Rahul Tewari Commissioner cum Director Employment Generation & Ghar Ghar Rozgar, Punjab said that the now the aspirants can submit their applications online till September 30 by 5 PM.
He said that the Staff Selection Commission has hosted this application on its new website, and that during the initial few days, there were some problems and it was observed that the new website of the Commission was running slow, consequent to which some candidates reported inconvenience in submitting their online application forms. Therefore, keeping in view the difficulties faced by some candidates, the Competent Authority, has, in the overall interest of the candidates, decided to extend the closing date for filling up of online application forms for the said examination from 17-09-2018 to 30-09-2018 (5.00 PM).

Tewari further said that as regards payments made through challan for the said examination, in those cases where the challans have been generated by the aspiring candidates up to 5.00 P.M. on 30.09.2018, they can make the payment to the designated Branches of SBI using the said challan, within the working hours of the Bank up to 03.10.2018.
He also said that as per the communication from the Staff Selection Commission no further extension of time would be given beyond 30.09.2018 (5.00 P.M.) for submission of online application forms for the said Examination. The other terms and conditions of the Examination Notice uploaded on the website of the Commission on 25.07.2018 will remain unchanged.
He also clarified that the candidates who wish to compete for this exam have to directly apply online to Staff Selection Commission. Then they can enrol themselves at Police Lines for the free training being organised by the Punjab Government. He also said that those who had already reported to the Police lines but not have applied they may now directly apply to the Staff Selection Commission online.