French experts in city beautiful for 24×7 water supply


French experts in city beautiful for 24×7 water supply

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Experts from French development agency AFD and EU today visited Chandigarh to review the 24×7 pan city water supply project. The team will study the technical aspects of the project and will visit the project sites till 25th September, 2021.

The team met with Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation-cum-CEO, Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. and other officers of CSCL and MCC to review the project details.

The Commissioner welcomed the team including Pierre and Ankit from AFD and Delphine and Jatin from EU and conveyed her gratitude towards EU for grant in aid and AFD for the loan approved.

French experts in city beautiful for 24x7 water supply

While sharing the details, the Commissioner said that various technical aspects of the project have been discussed including detailed plan, the financial, environmental and social impacts. She said that issues were discussed among mode of procurement, its adaptability among the masses, capacity building, functioning of the project, and public impact.

She said that the project costing Rs. 591.57 crores stands approved by the AFD/EU and a loan of Rs. 48.00 ME and grant in aid of 11.38 ME stands approved. The credit liability agreement between DEA and AFD will be signed shortly.

The Commissioner said that the French experts team will also visit the sector 39 main water works, resettlement colonies, slum colonies and MCC office to assess its supply system and talk to the officials, technical experts, engineers and local residents.

September 23,2021