GNDU budget estimates for year 2023-24 approved


GNDU budget estimates for year 2023-24 approved

Kanwar Inder Singh/ March 27,2023

The Senate of the Guru Nanak Dev University approved the Budget Estimates of 733 crore 89 lac and 76 thousand for the year 2023-24.  University would spend 46.23 percent on further improvement in Teaching, Allied Teaching, Research and Education.

Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice-Chancellor presided over both the Syndicate and Senate meetings and Prof. Karanjeet Singh Kahlon, Registrar presented the agenda in both the meetings. The members congratulated Prof. Sandhu and University Administration for presenting a balanced budget. Prof. S.S. Behl, Dean Academic Affairs presented a digital report in the Senate meetings. A large number of syndicate and senate members were present offline/online in the meetings.

During ensuing financial year 2022-23, the University has spent Rs. 2 crores 86 lac to help the economically backward and intelligent students in the form of fee concessions. The fee claim of Rs. 12 Crore 24 Lac & 31 Thousand of 1714 SC candidates under post matric scholarships for SC students has been sent to Government of Punjab and online claim for 62 students under National Scholarship scheme has also been sent to the Government. All efforts were made by the University to help the financially backward students so that they could achieve higher education and contribute their share in the progress of the nation.

During this financial year, the University would spend 46.23 per cent of the total budget on Teaching, Allied Teaching, Research and Education. Similarly, 11.42 per cent would be spent on non-teaching departments, 10.29 percent on general administration, 3.17 percent on the conduct of examinations, 23.28 percent on miscellaneous (teaching,non-teaching and others) and 5.61 percent would be spent on construction purposes.

Prof. Sandhu also informed the house about the achievements of the University in the field of research, education, culture, sports and excellent campus placements during this year.  He said that the National Education Policy 2020 will be implemented from this academic session.

He said that the University is blessed with the top second ranking University (CGPA of 3.85 out of 4 at A++ Grade) declared by National Assessment and Accreditation Council recently and achieving sports prestigious Maulana Abul Kalam Azaad Trophy (MAKA) for a record 24 times, NIRF Ranking, World’s Universities with Real Impact Ranking and other top rankings by various agencies, excelling in the h-index from 64 (2017) to 133 (2023) and has published good quantity of research articles in high impact factor journals to its credit.

GNDU budget estimates for year 2023-24 approved

He said that 993 students from various department of the University were placed in various national and international  companies during 2022. In sports, the University won 16 gold, 26 silver and 19 bronze medals in the various inter-university championships. Similarly, in cultural competitions, the University student artists won first, second and third positions in various zonal and inter-zonal youth festivals which were held various venues. He said that during this financial year, the University received grants from various funding agencies for MYAS-Department of Sports Sciecne and Medicine, Bhai Gurdas Library, Dr. B.R. Amedkar Chair, Sant Baba Prem Singh ji Murale Wale Chair, Namdhari Satguru Ram Singh Chair, Jallian Wala Bag Chair etc. Similarly, grants for Sant Kabir Chair, Baba Jiwan Singh (Bhai Jaita Ji) Chair, Makhan Shah Lubana Chair, Bhagwan Balmiki Chair has been approved by the Govt. of Punjab.

Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu said that Y-20 Consultation Summit under G-20 organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs ,Govt. of India which was hosted successfully by the University.

Prof. Sandhu also thanked the members and University fraternity for their cooperation and guidance for the upliftment of the University.

( News)