GNDU Vice Chancellor thanks CM for granting 25 Crores


GNDU Vice Chancellor thanks CM for granting 25 Crores

Prof. (Dr.) Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Vice Chancellor, faculty and staff of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar expressed their deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for a benevolent act of Chief Minister of Punjab, Captain Amrinder Singh and Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal , for increasing the grant of GNDU by Rs. 25 Crores.

GNDU is going to complete 50th year of its existence next year and it is the only “Category-I” university of the state of Punjab thus enjoying full academic autonomy. This is amongst the top ranking universities of North India with a score of 3.51 out of 4.00 point scale under the modified criteria of National Accreditation and Assessment Council. It has also attained the status of “University with Potential for Excellence”.

GNDU VC thanks CM for granting Rs.25 Crores

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has sanctioned the “MYAS-GNDU Centre for Sports Sciences” with a support of Rs. 25 Crores over five years. This university has also received grant for up gradation of University Botanical garden by the Ministry of Environment. Rs. 2.25 Crores has been sanctioned for Hostels’ cleanliness from HUDCO CSR. Rs. 4.28 Crores has been sanctioned for Faculty Development Centre under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching by MHRD.

All this has been possible because of the whole hearted and constant support for honesty and propriety by the Chief Minister, Punjab to this university situated in the border district. This grant will give impetus to GNDU, which is adjusted best university of region, to cater the border region students. The increase of higher education budget will help Punjab to create quality human resources. Overall its good budget and will boost the higher education.