Good news for class III and IV govt. employees; their quarters to get a facelift: Singla


Good news for class III and IV govt. employees; their quarters to get a facelift: Singla

kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Public Works Minister Punjab Vijay Inder Singla, on Friday, said that Captain Amarinder Singh led Punjab Government has sanctioned the amount of Rs. 14.68 crore for the maintenance of as many as 2,758 quarters of class III and class IV employees. The cabinet minister informed that the repair works in most of the quarters are being undertaken after a gap of almost twenty years. He added that Rs. 9.74 crore would be spent on the maintenance of 2,056 quarters of class III employees meanwhile Rs. 4.95 have been sanctioned for 702 quarters of class IV employees.

Vijay Inder Singla said, “Most of the class III and IV employees were facing problems due to non-maintenance of quarters from past several years but now our government has decided to take the repair works of these quarters on priority.” He added that all the repairs including masonry, plumbing electrical and other miscellaneous would be done ensuring proper quality of the work.

Good news for class III and IV govt. employees; their quarters to get a facelift: Singla-Photo courtesy-Internet
Vijayinder Singla

The cabinet minister said that while sanctioning the repair funds, the PWD department has also focused on smaller districts like Nawanshehar, Barnala and Ropar where nearly 200 quarters will undergo repairs. He added that quarters at Chandigarh, Patiala, Amritsar, Sangrur, Bathinda and Jalandhar will also be renovated with these funds.

Singla said that apart from these special repairs, the PWD has also been repairing and renovating government buildings on a regular basis. “If any building or road gets timely repairs, besides increasing the life span of the infrastructure, it also helps to save taxpayers money to build new ones,” he added.
