Government doing injustice to new assistant engineers – PSEBEA


Government doing  injustice to new assistant engineers – PSEBEA

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ December 14,2023

The PSEB engineers Association (PSEBEA) has written  a letter to Punjab state power corporation limited (PSPCL)/Punjab state transmission corporation limited (PSTCL) managements  on Wednesday  that this is a great injustice to the newly recruited  engineers ,who are being denied proper pay scale as per existing pattern and this  is not acceptable at all. It seems that the finance department of the Punjab government is unnecessarily creating an industrial dispute.

PSPCL & PSTCL have been directed to pay less pay to new assistant engineers  in the f scale of Junior Engineers. As per the 6th Punjab Pay Commission, assistant engineer AE (OT) were getting scale corresponding to the pay band level 10 and also an additional edge over the Punjab Government cadres as per the prevailing practice. But now pay of AE(OT) has been reduced to Pay Band level 8 of the 7th Central Pay Commission and this is  much below the existing scales.

Government doing  injustice to new assistant engineers – PSEBEA

Ajay Pal Singh Atwal General secretary said that this injustice is unacceptable to the Association that engineers are being denied their rightful scales on the direction of some vested interests.  This appears to be a deliberate attempt to create industrial dispute by granting lower scales to AEs. Moreover no   decision has been taken regarding TBPS, pay anomalies, pending arrears of pay scales, pending DA and the Old Pension Scheme.
The Association has asked the management to take up these serious issues with the Punjab Government in a time bound schedule.