Govt Bikram College organized Function-“Happy and Healthy Bikram”
Gurjit Singh/ Patiala
Promoting the theme of ‘Happy, Healthy Bikram’, Red Ribbon Club, NSS One Day Camp, International Women day and Voter Awareness Day, all denoting the theme, collectively organised Flower, Fruit and Food festival day at Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala under the aegis of Principal, Prof. Dr. Kusum Bansal on 20 March, 2019.

The function was inaugurated by the Former Principal Satinder Kaur and Dr. Neelamjit Kaur Deol in the presence of Principal and Staff Members of govt Bikram college of Commerce. 16 stalls were decorated with flowers, foods and fruits were attraction of the function. These stalls were inspected by the Guests..
On the basis of their Judgement, lotus and orchid team have been adjudged winners collectively. Second position went to two teams Rosy and Educational garden and the third position was achieved again by two teams Wild life and Strawberry.

On this occasion, Retired Prof. Dr. Harpreet Singh, Prof. Anjana Bhatia, Prof. Indu Bala, Prof. Pawan Bansal, Librarian B.P. Dhiman, Vice- Principal Dr. N.K. Batra, Prof. Sandeep Mahajan, Prof. Ram Kumar and Dr. P.S.Rekhi graced the occasion.
Clubs &Socities at Govt Bikram College of Commerece
To channelize the energy of the students in right direction, different Clubs and Societies have been functioning in the college. N.C.C., N.S.S., Red Cross, Aid For Suffering Humanity ( A Voluntary organization), Patiala Deaf Friendly Club and Environment and Ecological Societies have added to the glory of the college.