Govt College of Education Sector 20 celebrates Chandrayaan successful Landing


Govt College of Education Sector 20 celebrates Chandrayaan successful Landing

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ August 23,2023

The NSS Unit of the college facilitated the telecasting sharing event to watch the soft landing of Chandrayaan on the Moon. Dean of the college Dr A K Srivastava supervised the event. Faculty, students and all staff were present in the college auditorium full with enthusiastic eyes on the screen. ISRO live cast initially shared the background and the interesting sequential things leading to the historic day. NSS Programme Officers Dr Ravneet Chawla and Ravinder Kumar personally facilitated the telecasting.

The scientists on screen were a delight to watch as they watched their hard work bearing fruits. They explained hovering and landing and also helping to understand how and where to look. At 30 seconds to go the heartbeat ran fast. The event was applauded at every small pace step. The Moon on the screen seemed to be ready to welcome the Chandrayaan and also seemed to have a heart to beat in the digital screening view.

The parameters displayed on the screen educated the audience scientifically. The speed and distance sounded so majestic. As the narrow view came up, the thrill in the audiences built up.

The first phase of power descent began and the galaxy of scientists in the ISRO room including young scientists were glowing with pride. The Prime Minister connected from South Africa to join the brigade online against the Tricolour in the background gleaming with pride for the soon to land Chandrayaan.

Govt College of Education Sector 20 celebrates Chandrayaan successful Landing

The landing phase charmed the audience more as the last vertical landing started. The horizontal and vertical velocity is reduced to allow soft landing. The safety of the landing site was announced. The Prime Minister on screen had his eyes glued and then turned into a big smile as it landed. The scientists were on their legs and their eyes warm to have created history.

The audience in the auditorium were as excited and full with patriotic flavour and also full of pride. In his address,  the PM reiterated India creating history in tall and unmatched standards. The win is supreme, he said.

Govt College of Education Sector 20 celebrates Chandrayaan successful Landing. The faculty of GCE from all streams were present and appreciated such a historic event. The pupil teachers in the audience rejoiced at the event. ” India is over the moon, ” he said. Indeed. The NSS team and volunteers congratulated each other.